June 19, 2021: Workshop @ HTAi annual meeting 2021
During the virtual annual meeting of HTAi (http://htai2021.org) we provided a workshop that introduced participants to the VALIDATE approach. Our project leader, Gert Jan van der Wilt, introduced key concepts from the VALIDATE approach. Carla Fernandez Barceló provided a video presentation about her experiences with the VALIDATE training program, showing how she applied the approach in assessing the value of a clinical decision support system for improving medication adequacy. After the introduction of a case study, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, the participants applied concepts from the VALIDATE approach to this health technology and had an interesting discussion about how to assess its value.
The slides of the presentations by Gert Jan and Carla can be downloaded in the Downloads section.
March 21-22, 2021: fourth project meeting
Due to the COVID-19 regulations our fourth project meeting took place online. We had an interesting and productive discussion on the updated version of our handbook, the progress of the participating students in the e-learning course and internship projects, and the upcoming academic papers reflecting upon the results of the VALIDATE project. Please check our website for updates!
November 2020: VALIDATE presentation for Spanish HTA agencies network
At the 27th of November, Gert Jan van der Wilt and Wija Oortwijn provided a presentation on VALIDATE in an online meeting hosted by the Spanish Network of Agencies for Assessing National Health System Technologies and Performance (https://redets.sanidad.gob.es/en/). They presented an overview of the VALIDATE approach to HTA, and an overview of the current state of the project. The meeting was well attended and appreciated!
The presentations can be downloaded in our Downloads section.
June 2020: VALIDATE course accredited by HTAi
The VALIDATE e-learning course received accreditation by HTAi (https://htai.org)!
March 2020: VALIDATE course approved by Board of Examiners
The VALIDATE e-learning course is approved by the Board of Examiners of the MSc biomedical sciences program at Radboud university medical center.
February 20-21, 2020: third project meeting
Our third project meeting took place in Rome. We discussed a draft version of the VALIDATE handbook, and upcoming possibilities for participants to do an exciting internship project! Please check our website regularly to be informed about the latest news on this.

November 18, 2019: VALIDATE e-learning course online
We are pleased to announce that our VALIDATE e-learning course is now available! You can find information on our website about the learning goals, prerequisite knowledge, registration procedure and content of the course. If you are interested in our course you can apply for entry by filling in the registration form, or fill in the contact form if you have any questions. You can also see a preview of the course material, including a video with members of the VALIDATE faculty explaining the added value of the course.
June 17, 2019: VALIDATE Panel session @ HTAi annual meeting, Cologne 17
At the annual meeting of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), we organized a panel session on VALIDATE in which we presented the structure and rationale of our project and a preview of the e-learning course. Panel members provided an answer, from their own perspective, on the question “What is the added value of VALIDATE?”:
- Iñaki Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea (HTA agency perspective)
- Dario Sacchini (academic / philosophy / ethics perspective)
- Rabia Kahveci (hospital-based HTA perspective)
- Lars Sandman (national priority setting centre perspective)
The slides of the presentation about the rationale of our project, and the preview of the e-learning course, can be downloaded in the Downloads section.

May 14-15, 2019: second project meeting
Our second project meeting took place in Barcelona. We had a lively discussion on the structure and draft version of the e-learning course, and the added value of the VALIDATE approach to HTA.
December 20, 2018: first project meeting
Our first project meeting took place in Amsterdam. We discussed the objectives of our project, and exchanged ideas regarding our view on the task for HTA and the skills and knowledge that are needed to be able to conduct an HTA along these lines. It was a very fruitful discussion, resulting in a nice starting point for elaborating the structure of the e-learning course that we are going to develop.